what is Bob's Amazing Feel Good Tonic?
Bob’s Tonic is a beverage made from healthy natural foods that are said to help the human body replace electrolytes, reduce inflammation, rehydrate & much more. once I mixed ’em into a drink and drank it down I was amazed @ how good I felt. since taste is a big part of feeling good the challenge for me was to develop an amazing taste, and I’ve gotta say that the taste of my tonic makes me feel good!
(click the logo to hear more)

made amazing in Woodstock, NY
it's all about feeling good
if you eat the foods in Bob's Tonic you'll feel good

but it's the good taste & feel of Bob's Tonic that you are going to find truly amazing!
ways that folks enjoy Bob's Tonic
some feel good about drinking Bob’s Tonic straight
a shot of Bob’s Tonic is a feel good way to start off the day or to turn the day around. they say the zing in it wakes them up & helps them become centered. and some even use a shot of Bob’s as alcohol substitute, its feel good kick can be a little “pick me up” when a shot of alcohol is simply not desired or appropriate.
others mix Bob’s Tonic into their favorite drinks
Bob’s helps them make their smoothies & cocktails even more amazing, it gives them a distinctive tase & dimension, amazingly, like never before and you know they feel good about that. mixing it with sparkling H20 over ice is a way many feel good about drinking Bob’s Tonic they say it is quite a relaxing, refreshing drink. a virgin cocktail made with Bob’s Tonic requires no sacrifice!
but how does Bob drink his tonic?
I enjoy drinking my tonic either straight or mixed, but for me it’s more about when I drink my tonic to feel good. the foods in Bob’s Tonic can help the human body replace electrolytes, rehydrate, reduce inflammation & stimulate the immune system so I like to drink it in the morning. but as I frequently (to feel good) enjoy a cocktail or some & and the ingredients do all that good stuff plus relieving nausea, not so amazingly, I also drink Bob’s Tonic before and after imbibing so I keep feeling good. you could say I use it as a hangover defense, it’s kind of amazing!
you want it, we've got it
you can find Bob’s @ fine food sellers & shops in and around Woodstock NY. if you know of a shop you’d feel good about having Bob’s Tonic available, send me an email & I’ll do my best to make that happen amazingly fast.
for those who want more of Bob’s Tonic @ home, you’ll be happy to know I’m hard at work on a fresh & frozen subscription and delivery services. it is offered locally to Woodstock & soon to be online. if you wish to get in the loop, click the button & email me.
what IS up with Bob?
Bob’s Tonic is not medicine, it is a beverage made from foods that many believe to have health benefits. I am not a doctor or licensed healthcare professional, I’m just a guy who found a way to feel good by drinking that beverage. I don’t offer it as a medicine, remedy, cure or preventative rather as a food that makes you feel good by knowing that you are drinking a beverage that is tasty and is made from foods that do amazing things for the human body.
wholesale info
If you would like to feature Bob’s Tonic @ your drinking/eating establishment, your shop/market or your next affair please don’t hesitate to email sales
here are some sites that helped me formulate my opinions of the foods I use to make Bob’s Tonic.
1. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center – chaga
2. Medical News Today – turmeric
5. University Health News – honey
© Copyright theBOBlife LLC 2020